Committee Roles and Responsibilities
Chair: Liz Gianturco
The Operations committee oversees the policies and procedures of the Village BOD. The committee is responsible for the Financial Plan and selection of software.
Co-chairs: Ross Kory, Jane Guttman
Chair: Cathy Williams
The Membership committee maintains contact with LB residents, attracts new members & facilitates renewals of memberships. The Keeping in Touch initiative is under this committee.
Chair: Jane Guttman
Members: Judy Hilton, Ellen Raphaeli, Sam Rothman, Priscilla Weck. Design: Don Christian
Communications produces, writes and edits The Villager, provides articles for the Lake Barcroft newsletter, and designs and maintains the web site.
Chair: Lisa DuBois
Fundraising seeks support from individuals, local businesses, corporations, and foundations and develops opportunities for strategic partnerships
Volunteers and Services
Chair: Nazir Bhagat
This committee helps to attract and train volunteers who provide Village members with a variety of services, such as rides, tech support, errands, home maintenance and more.
Chair: Cindy Waters (Acting)
Members: Beth Auerbach, Marcia Grabowski, Ellen Raphaeli, Mike Gaffen, Sam Rothman, Bob Schreiber, Roger Soles, Cathy Williams, Clyde Williams, Nazir Bhagat
The Programs Committee sponsors cultural and educational programs including lectures, trips and other events and hosts or arranges social gatherings such as happy hours and lunches