
A vibrant community where members:
· Connect and engage with each other
· Stay healthy and fit
· Explore their community and the surrounding area
· Receive and provide support and services
Become a member of Lake Barcroft Village.
Join now by completing our application and payment process.
Full membership (services included): $500 per individual; $750 per couple
Social membership (no services): $150 per individual
Please note: The Village phone number has been changed to (703) 424 -1299
Recent Events
November Quarterly Meeting

December Happy Hour

Photos by Jan Barrett
Hosts Lois and Marty Mandelberg celebrating their anniversary

Do you think Exercise has to be Hard? Give Easy Exercise a Try
Events Coming Up*Our Calendar is Full * Check it Out
Who Rates Best (& Worst) in the Washington Area? Now You'll Know..
Nonprofit Consumers' CHECKBOOK reveals which Washington Area service providers and retailers rated best and worst for quality and price. Lake Barcroft Village has a subscription available for all members. Contact Executive Director Cindy Waters for more details.
"Living alone and recovering from foot surgery proved to be a challenge.
The post-surgical boot made it difficult to stand and get around.
Cooks on Call was wonderful! The week after surgery I had
delicious dinners delivered which usually included a main course
with salad, bread and dessert. The large portions were great for leftovers.
On the weekend one “cook” suggested bringing Thai take-out to be eaten
with the company of her and her spouse. An excellent suggestion!"